GEEKNOTE: Some weeks are crazy busy with everyone just trying to keep up with the work coming in the door. Other weeks are like the past one where we all get the chance to catch our breath and learn some new tricks.
I’ve had some new web authoring tools to play with for several weeks now, but finally got the chance to spend some quality time with them. I have nothing earth shattering to show off yet, but I’m still working on a couple of project / demo sites.
I also had the opportunity to sit through a webinar on a new product that we were thinking about offering to our corporate customers. I wasn’t impressed, so we won’t pursue it. I have several more webinars scheduled over the next week or so. Most of them involve new products that we may find interesting enough to offer our customers. I’m particularly looking forward to learning more about Intel’s new Haswell processors and the new 9 series chipset.
I took delivery on a couple of new low power motherboards this past week. These boards are potential replacements for the Atom boards we first got a few years back. The beauty of these boards is that they don’t require any cooling fans for the CPUs. One of the boards has a dual core processor and the other has a quad core processor. If they live up to expectations, they might well be a good foundation for inexpensive custom systems for our customers who use their computers primarily for surfing and email. My goal is to have both test systems built out by this time next week.
I’m looking at what promises to be a very busy couple of weeks between now and the end of June. I have three separate webinars and a computer training class on Tuesday alone! Look for a report here on any of the really cool stuff you can expect to see in the near future.
Tim and George also spent some quality time last week honing their skills. This is an example of how we work hard to be the best at what we do and take advantage of what otherwise would be down time.
The summer t-storm cycle has started, so we can expect storms most afternoons. Make sure your computer is protected from power surges. We have UPS / battery backup systems in stock. We also carry the more common power supplies in case you lose one due to a surge. If your computer won’t turn on, more times than not it is the power supply. If we’ve got the right one in stock, we can frequently replace it while you wait.
As always, keep us in mind for all your computer needs.
Rob Marlowe, Senior Geek.