Welcome to our July Newsletter
It’s summer so we are going to keep this short.
We got our hands on one of the latest generation i7 NUCs a couple of weeks ago. These little 4×4″ screamers are amazing. We’ve only managed to get a pair of 35″ monitors running with it. The specs say that we ought to be able to drive three high resolution monitors with it, if we use the right video cables. We shall see.
New and nasty malware attacks have spread all over the world during the past month or so. Protect yourself by keeping your computer up to date on its Windows Updates and use a quality anti-malware program on your computer.
There are a number of excellent Anti-malware programs on the market. We offer Avira products for our consumer clients and AVG managed solutions for our corporate clients. Some of the free anti-malware programs are good, but you generally get what you pay for, with the paid versions being more comprehensive in their protection, updated more regularly, and simply better that the typical free ones.
If you happen to have Frontier FIOS, you’ve got a battery inside the FIOS box. It will eventually go bad, emitting a rather annoying beep every several minutes. When this happens, it is time to call Frontier and tell them that their box needs attention.
We’ve got one at home because we used to have FIOS. It took me a bit of looking to figure out that, of all the battery backups we’ve got, it was the FIOS battery that had gone dead.
Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions about your computer. We’ll be glad to try to answer them. Our number is 727-847-2424.
We hope you found this newsletter to be informative. It’s our way of keeping you posted on the happenings at our shop.
Thanks for your business!
Best regards,
Rob Marlowe
Gulfcoast Networking, Inc.
6335 Grand Blvd
New Port Richey, FL 34652
(We have used our best efforts in collecting and preparing the information published herein. However, we do not assume, and hereby disclaim, any and all liability for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions resulted from negligence, accident, or other causes.)
©2017 Gulfcoast Networking, Inc