Welcome to our September 2016 Newsletter:
With this issue, we are going to shift the focus of our newsletter a bit, concentrating more on news from the Gulfcoast Networking shop and sending out less general information.
We are cleaning up our showroom and trying to get rid of quite a bit of slow moving inventory. Our “Clearance” table is chock full of all sorts of goodies, all priced at $4.95 each. Items currently on the table include a wide selection of mice and older, but still good, wireless network adapters. Come down and check out the bargains.
Are you looking for a new computer? Let us help you pick out something that meets your needs. We’ve got access to everything from very basic systems to screaming high performance systems.
Check out this article from CBS News: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/tech-support-hacking-scam-pop-up-on-computer/
This article is a real good description regarding one of the scams we see all the time. If you see one of these popups, turn off the machine, wait 30 seconds and turn it back on. If you get a call from someone claiming to be from Microsoft, hang up. Whatever you do, DO NOT let them into your computer!
We have also seen an uptick in the number of viral messages showing up. They almost invariably involve an attachment. It bears repeating, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER open an attachment that you aren’t expecting.
We’re trying to train our Safe Computing Package clients to simply call us any time they see something odd on their computer. Especially if we’ve pinned your computer, we can jump right in and solve it with no muss, no fuss and no charge. If you aren’t a Safe Computing Package client, that can be cured. One affordable annual payment covers your Anti-virus software, unlimited remote technical support, and unlimited telephone support.
Our business clients can take advantage of our Managed IT solutions. We become the client’s IT department and handle everything from real time monitoring to helpdesk functions, online backups, and anti-virus solutions.
This month’s featured event is the September movie in the park. It’s described as the “Invasion of Sims Park” and includes the showing of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and a “possible” incursion by members of the Tampa Bay Squad.
For more information, check out the event details on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1183615028338273/
I’ve been a fan of Robert X Cringely for quite a few years. He recently did an article on Autonomous Cars that you might find interesting: http://www.cringely.com/2016/08/25/self-driving-car-old-enough-drink-drive/
We are starting September off with a Tropical Storm. The best information during Hurricane Season can be found on the National Hurricane Center’s Website: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
While Hurricane Season brings with it periodic storm alerts, it typically brings no reason to panic. That being said, keep informed when there is a storm churning somewhere near us and take evacuation orders seriously. A hurricane bearing directly down on Pinellas or Pasco County will result in evacuation orders effecting hundreds of thousands of people. If you wait too long you will be joining the parking lots that SR 52 and SR 54 will become as all of those people try to get out of the storm’s path. Try to avoid going to public shelters. You will be much better off if you can hang out with friends a bit further inland.
Our current plan for September 1st is to work until lunch time and close up before the weather deteriorates too much. Given that there are no evacuation orders likely, we’ll be hanging out at home. My phone extension will track me down if you leave voicemail. We’ll re-open on Friday once the weather improves. Naturally, I’ll be checking my email regularly.
We hope you found this newsletter to be informative. It’s our way of keeping you posted on the happenings at our shop.
Thanks for your business!
Best regards,
Rob Marlowe
Gulfcoast Networking, Inc.
6335 Grand Blvd
New Port Richey, FL 34652
(We have used our best efforts in collecting and preparing the information published herein. However, we do not assume, and hereby disclaim, any and all liability for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions resulted from negligence, accident, or other causes.)
©2016 Gulfcoast Networking, Inc